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Truck Driver, From the Bullpen – Get executive recruiting news and valuable insight that you can use to align your career or business success. The Ankenbrandt Group is a leader in executive recruitment and consulting. We specialize in aligning talented executives in fields such as accounting, finance, real estate, marketing, and more with premier companies.
From the Bullpen
Truck Driver • Economy Needs you • Grumpy

The Truck Driver
Some of us have more interesting personal histories, “backstories” than others. For instance, I just met a CPA who was a truck driver for years while he put himself through school. He’s now all corporate and buttoned-up – but, can you imagine all he learned from his years driving a truck? Sometimes your back story can actually help you market yourself. It makes you stand out in the crowd. So don’t be afraid to share your back story when appropriate – it just might land you the job!
The Economy Needs You
The economy needs you – go ahead and hire that person you need! Get your job description ready, figure out what personality type you need and then run an ad — AND hold on to your hat. You will be inundated with applicants.
If you love reading resumes, getting phone calls from people with few of the requirements you need, emails from people with lots of gumption and little necessary experience – go for it! It’s crazy out there. People are a bit desperate, and we’ve found they are applying for anything close to their target. We can hit your target.
The Ankenbrandt Group already has a fantastic network. We excel at finding the person who fits your job. Call us; we can make the hiring process enjoyable.
We recruit the people you want!
The Economy Needs You!

I’ve been grumpy, very grumpy. Grumpy at the State of CA for the mess we are in. Education should never be cut – ever – and what is all this nonsense about trying to get back taxes from products we’ve received from out of state? Talk about a waste of time for everyone. Seriously, can’t you find another way to find some cash? Maybe start by moving our legislators to part-time? I’ve been grumpy about the economy in general – can we speed up the “recovery process” please? Frustrated that I can’t get enough done in my day – I’d have to cut out sleep to do that and no one wants me that grumpy. So, to combat my bad attitude I spent time finding some inspiration.
I started by reading. What did I pick to read? – The modern classic, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I’ve read it before, but it’s a great story about following your dream. I won’t ruin the book for you by going over the plot, but seriously, it’s inspirational – get it. So, that helped, a bit, but I was still slightly cranky. Maybe because I’m so bogged down in the weeds I can’t see the dream?
So, I got practical and went old school and browsed through a bunch of Harvey Mackay articles. The guy is good. His advice is practical, simple, and just what I needed. So, instead of dwelling in the weeds, I’m going to get over my grumpy self, take some control, and get back to my happy, successful life.
Whew – thank goodness that’s over. There is only so much grumpy this gal can handle.
– Heidi
Other Career Tips From the Bullpen
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For Job Assistance, Resume Help, and Career Advice.
Check out Heidi’s blog, Splitworld.
Unbridgeable Gaps?
The same conversation keeps on repeatedly happening with my clients – lack of talent to hire. They can’t find good, young, talented people who want to work hard and have the communication skills to work. There is a gap in the market. It might be the entitlement that kids felt growing up wealthier before the recession/depression hit? Maybe they’re thinking they don’t need to work hard, or maybe these workers have a different spin on what work looks like? They also have huge.
My advice to anyone young and looking for a job:
- You will work hard with long days and late nights before you earn those six-figure salaries.
- Probably start working in a job that is lower than you originally expected. Learn from it.
- Try to use complete sentences when communicating – the texting should stop when you put your cell phone down.
- Find a mentor at work to help you understand the corporate culture and how to succeed.
Splitworl Blog- Posted by Heidi
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